Saturday, 23 February 2013

Hey Guys

It's time for another Dotty Does tutorial, this time I show you how to make an Infinity circle scarf out of an old t-shirt.

Hope you enjoy

how to make an infinity circle scarf

Monday, 18 February 2013

Hey Guys

I've been busy doing more videos, this one I show you how to make a cool beanie out of an old sweater

Remember to check out my YouTube Channel for more videos
Hey Guys

I have another video for you to watch, in this one I show you how to make a bow for your hair

Check out more on my YouTube channel 

Monday, 11 February 2013

Hey Guys

View the first episode in my new YouTube series "Magazine Monday" where I will show you step by step tutorials of how to make stuff.

Episode 1 - How to make a paper bracelet.

To see more subscribe to my YouTube Channel


Friday, 8 February 2013


Hey guys,
It's Friday and it come to that joyus time of the day to walk the dog. Oh well it only takes 20 minutes

Thursday, 7 February 2013


Hey guys
Nothing else like a homemade cupcake after a long day of school!
Chocolate chip with white chocolate drizzled on top yummy or what!

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Harts :)

Hey guys
It's nearly valentines day and I thought why not make a decoration to hang.
Here is how I made it